How it Works

The Science of Dry Ice Blasting

How it works - Unique 3-in-one-Process

  1. Dry ice pellets ("rice") are expelled from a Jet nozzle with compressed air from a special machine set precisely for the surface being cleaned. 
  2. At a cool -109° Fahrenheit, the low temperature of the "rice" causes the surface contaminant to instantly shrink and lose adhesion from the substrate.
  3. On impact, the pellets vaporize to carbon dioxide gas and increase in volume by about 700 times, separating the contaminant from the base and pulverizing it into dust.

Why it's Best

Faster and More Effective - Dry-ice blasting’s unique expansion effect and flushing action allows it to clean more thoroughly, and the process is fast.

  • No drying time or dangerous solvents to be removed
  • Removed coatings and contaminants can be swept or vacuumed up
  • No secondary residue!

Environmentally Friendly & Safe - Dry ice is made out of reclaimed CO².

  • Upon impact, the CO² pellets sublimate to a non-toxic, odorless gas that dissipates into the air.
  • Approved by the FDA, EPA and USDA
  • Safe for use on industrial applications including food and beverage processing
  • A 100% green cleaning solution!

Non-destructive / Non-conductive / Non-flammable - Dry ice pellets are much softer than other cleaning media like sand grains, plastic or soda beads.

• No drying time or dangerous solvents to be removed
• Removed coatings and contaminants can be swept or vacuumed up
• No secondary residue!

Extends Equipment Life 

• No drying time or dangerous solvents to be removed
• Removed coatings and contaminants can be swept or vacuumed up
• No secondary residue!

Increases Facility Uptime - Many dry ice cleaning applications can be done on site and in place.

• No drying time or dangerous solvents to be removed
• Removed coatings and contaminants can be swept or vacuumed up
• No secondary residue!

What it Delivers

Going, Going, Gone!

Why it's Best

Why Crystal Clean Dry Ice Blasting is Best — Lots of Reasons!

Faster & More Effective - Dry-ice blasting’s unique expansion effect and flushing action allows it to clean more thoroughly and the process is fast. There’s no drying time or dangerous solvents to be removed. Removed coatings and contaminants can be swept or vacuumed up and there’s no secondary residue.

Environmentally Friendly & Safe - Dry ice is made out of reclaimed CO². Upon impact, the CO² pellets sublimate to a non-toxic, odorless gas that dissipates into the air.  Approved by the FDA, EPA and USDA, dry ice is safe for use on industrial applications including food and beverage processing. It’s a 100% green cleaning solution!

Non-destructive / Non-conductive / Non-flammable - Dry ice pellets are much softer than other cleaning media like sand grains, plastic or soda beads, and will not mar or damage the surface being cleaned.  They are also non-conductive and non-flammable, so they are safe for use on electrical components as well as surfaces contaminated with flammable residues.

Extends Equipment Life - By removing surface coatings and residue without damaging sensitive components like electric motors, sensors, switches, wiring, etc., you can improve performance, extend equipment life, and save on costly repairs and replacements.

Increases Facility Uptime - Because many dry ice cleaning applications can be done on site and in place, it eliminates the need to dismantle machinery, greatly reducing downtime. Removed coatings and contaminants can be easily swept or vacuumed up. Unlike other methods, with dry ice blasting there is no dry time or secondary residue like water, harsh chemicals or hazardous solvents.

Faster & More Effective - Dry-ice blasting’s unique expansion effect and flushing action allows it to clean more thoroughly and the process is fast. There’s no drying time or dangerous solvents to be removed. Removed coatings and contaminants can be swept or vacuumed up and there’s no secondary residue.

Environmentally Friendly & Safe - Dry ice is made out of reclaimed CO². Upon impact, the CO² pellets sublimate to a non-toxic, odorless gas that dissipates into the air.  Approved by the FDA, EPA and USDA, dry ice is safe for use on industrial applications including food and beverage processing. It’s a 100% green cleaning solution!

Non-destructive / Non-conductive / Non-flammable - Dry ice pellets are much softer than other cleaning media like sand grains, plastic or soda beads, and will not mar or damage the surface being cleaned.  They are also non-conductive and non-flammable, so they are safe for use on electrical components as well as surfaces contaminated with flammable residues.

Extends Equipment Life - By removing surface coatings and residue without damaging sensitive components like electric motors, sensors, switches, wiring, etc., you can improve performance, extend equipment life, and save on costly repairs and replacements.

Increases Facility Uptime - Because many dry ice cleaning applications can be done on site and in place, it eliminates the need to dismantle machinery, greatly reducing downtime. Removed coatings and contaminants can be easily swept or vacuumed up. Unlike other methods, with dry ice blasting there is no dry time or secondary residue like water, harsh chemicals or hazardous solvents.

Going, Going, Gone!
